From Tuesday 4 May 2021, the Trustees of the Corinium Education Trust, of which Chesterton Primary School is a member, will be inviting pupils, parents and staff across our multi-academy trust to complete one of our stakeholder surveys. These surveys, which can be completed online, include questions similar to those asked by Ofsted during an inspection (Parent View) and will provide valuable feedback which will inform our own and The Corinium Education Trust’s evaluation and planning. Link to the survey
We would be very grateful if you could complete the survey. The link to the parent survey will open on Tuesday 4 May and close on Sunday 9 May 2021 at 23:55.
We appreciate that any survey will represent a snapshot in time and will often reflect what is happening or has happened at or around the time. However, we invite you to reflect on your experience of the school as a pupil, parent or member of staff and hope you will do so in the spirit of our school standards and ethos.
We look forward to reading your responses.
Once the surveys have been completed and data analysed, we will share the feedback and stakeholder perceptions with members of our local governing body and Trustees and provide a summary on our website. We will use the information we receive to inform our self-evaluation and our planning.
Thank you for your cooperation.