EYFS Curriculum
At Chesterton we aim to develop and nurture positive attitudes where children become proud and respectful of themselves, others and their environment.
The Chesterton Primary EYFS Curriculum aims to engage all children and ensures that all children make good progress from their starting points. A number of key resources are used support the development of the curriculum including Development Matters, end goals, characteristics of effective learning and Birth to Three Matters.
The school has recognised the use of clear, focused learning intentions as an effective tool in gaining intended learning outcomes. Staff regularly reflect on activities to review the learning intention and the children's engagement to ensure that provision not only matches their current level of development but also their interests and welfare needs. Staff working within the EYFS engage in training to ensure their interactions with the children reflect current best practice, are valuable, support each individual child and move learning on.
Where possible the children’s own interests are used by the adults to engage the children in higher level thinking and deeper learning. This is balanced with our curriculum focus that aims to introduce children to key knowledge and concepts alongside the development of a wide and diverse vocabulary. Staff hold high expectations for children and plan challenges that aim to foster the characteristics of effective learning through seeking challenging, having a go and not giving up. Positive and purposeful praise is used to highlight the key elements of learning to allow our children to move forward with confidence and become successful lifelong learners. Child initiated learning is valued and encouraged especially when considering the mastery of new skills. Through adult led learning we introduce new concepts and knowledge, the progression of which can be led by the children through enabling environments and continuous provision.
Where possible we aim to provide the children with first hand experiences from which to build shared experience, and new mental models from which to build knowledge and understanding.
Work with parents is valued as one of the most important tools in supporting the children to feel safe, secure and ready to learn, Parents are regularly encouraged to share in their child's learning at school as well as contributing learning from home. Within the setting parents are encouraged into the setting and to attend parents meetings and events, however, we recognise that this may be more difficult if there are continued changes or disruptions due to Covid19. With this in mind the school aims to develop the website and learning journey system to offer multiple opportunities for the sharing of information and knowledge.