
School Values

Chesterton Primary School: Vision and Ethos

“Growing together, learning forever.”


Chesterton Primary aims to be a school with happy, engaged children who will develop to their fullest potential. Our school vision is to support our children to grow both academically and emotionally. We will help our children to become confident, independent young people who can aspire to set and achieve their own goals.

Our vision statement is “Growing together, learning forever” which reflects our key aim of promoting personal growth. We seek to provide a school experience that our children can take forward into their future lives through their continuing education and later into fulfilling careers.

Chesterton is proud to be home to a Communication and Interaction unit and our vision is fully inclusive of all children regardless of their educational needs.


Chesterton Primary will offer all our children:

A safe, secure and happy environment in which they can learn and grow; from nursery to their transition into secondary education.

A broad and balanced curriculum. We have high expectations of our children and will inspire and support them to achieve their full potential.

Opportunities to develop confidence and independence. Our children will exhibit respect for themselves and for each other.

An emphasis on a healthy lifestyle. We will encourage a balanced diet and provide our children with opportunities to be physically active. We want all our children to have the opportunity to be out-of-doors during the school day and make full use of our extensive grounds and large woodland area.

A broad range of extra-curricular activities to develop and engage in their interests and passions.


Chesterton Primary will offer our parents and carers:

  • Clear and positive reasons to choose Chesterton as a school for their children. 

Regular communications about their child’s progress at school.

Opportunities to engage with and contribute to the life of the school.

A high quality nursery.

  • Wrap-around care before and after school on site.
  • Close links with Cirencester’s secondary schools and a smooth transition into secondary education.


Our key strategic plan:

In order to deliver the outcomes we want, we will over the next three years:

Seek to move the number of children on roll towards full capacity by promoting the school locally and creating a strong and unique school brand.

Set a detailed development plan for the school which sets out our ambitious expectations for academic achievement.

Make full use of our extensive grounds to provide all children with the opportunity to be out-of-doors during the school day.

Extend and deepen our links with local secondary schools.

At all times be aware of the changing demographic and financial position of the school, working with the Local Authority in respect of the proposed new housing developments in Chesterton.


Our Head Teacher, senior leaders and staff will have objectives that reflect the vision and ethos set out above which will also be reflected in the school development plan.
