Thursday 9th March 2023
Dear Parents and Carers,
I am pleased to be able to share our Ofsted report today following the school’s inspection on Thursday 2nd and Friday 3rd February 2023. The inspection team have recognised the hard work, dedication and improvements the school has made and positively reflects the changes that have been made to support our journey. The final report will be available on the Ofsted website in 8 working days.
Behaviour in school is “good” and the children have excelled themselves in their conduct, manners and keenness to learn. The inspectors said our children are “polite, friendly and well mannered” and “Behaviour in lessons and around the school is calm and orderly.”
The report also notes that ‘much has changed for the better’ and that the we ‘are committed to identifying the essential knowledge that pupils need to learn in all subjects and deepening it.’ It also recognises that leaders ‘..have a clear strategy in place which will also ensure pupils’ personal development is strengthened further and that they have the cultural capital to help them make connections and succeed in their lives beyond Chesterton Primary School.
The inspection team also acknowledged the school’s other strengths including the choice of ‘high quality books to develop pupils’ vocabulary and understanding of important issues’ and the provision in the Nursery and Communication and Interaction Centre:
‘Leaders pay close attention to pupils’ communication and language…staff immerse children in stories and rhymes. Children enjoy retelling stories using words and actions.’ Ofsted, February 2023.
It is also encouraging to note the care and support given to pupils with special educational needs:
‘The school is a positive environment for pupils with special educational needs and/or disabilities. Staff identify their needs early and accurately. Teachers adapt the curriculum appropriately to meet pupils’ needs.’
The whole community should be proud of this report and the recognition the school has received; however, we are not complacent and know what we need to do to ensure we continue on our school improvement journey. The staff team are committed and focused on the next exciting steps for Chesterton Primary School and Nursery.
I would like to thank parents, staff, children and the Corinium Education Trust for the ongoing support and commitment to the school.
Many Thanks,
Mrs Libby Pringle