
C&I Centre

Hello Summer Term!


We hope the C & I family have had a wonderful, well deserved Easter break. We are looking forward to yet another incredible term of learning and growing together. 


During this term, some of the C & I children will be taking part in weekly swimming lessons and horse riding lessons. We hope to do more outdoor learning as the weather improves and are excited for the next 7 weeks and all the learning opportunities to come. 


The C & I Team


Mrs Buckland - Miss Rothwell - Mrs McKenzie - Mrs B - Mr Miller




Welcome Back! 


We hope you had a restful February half term and are ready for another fun filled and exciting term in the C & I Centre.

Although it is only another short term, we have a jam packed schedule of things to do before Easter. Below you will find the Curriculum Overview and Home Learning activities for Term 4.  

Horse riding will continue on Monday's for some of the children however there is no longer a swimming session on Wednesday afternoons. 


We are looking forward to the next five weeks of 

growing together and working towards becoming lifelong learners. 


The C & I Team


Mrs Buckland - Miss Rothwell - Mrs B - Mrs McKenzie - Mr Miller




Hello 2024!


Happy New Year to our C & I children and families.

We are looking forward to an exciting Term 3 at Chesterton Primary School.


Before our Christmas break, the centre said goodbye to Mrs Woodward and enjoyed our last week together doing lots of fun craft activities and we even had a special visit from Santa himself!


As we say hello to 2024, we would like to wish a warm welcome to Miss Rothwell, our new C & I teacher who will be teaching in the centre on Monday, Tuesday and Fridays. Miss Rothwell will be on hand in school on the other two days where her role will be supporting Mrs Buckland as the Assistant SENCo. 


We are excited for another brilliant term in the C & I Centre and are looking forward to growing together and working towards becoming lifelong learners. 


The C & I Team


Mrs Buckland - Miss Rothwell - Mrs B - Mrs McKenzie - Mr Miller 



This term's home learning grid can be found below. 

The children should aim to complete the blue tasks daily.

Please pick at least one task from each row to complete before the end of term. 

There is no limit to the amount of tasks you can complete, why not set a challenge to complete them all before half term! 


If you need any support or additional resources to support your child in completing any of the home learning activities please speak to one of the C & I staff.


Thank you

Welcome to Chesterton C and I Centre


Happy September and welcome back to another fun filled year! 


The C and I Team are looking forward to starting our learning and sharing some pictures of what the children have been getting up to over the next 8 weeks.

Mrs Woodward and Mrs Buckland will continue to both be teaching in the Centre this term;

Mrs Woodward - Monday, Tuesday & Friday

Mrs Buckland - Wednesday & Thursday.

We have also welcomed two new children to the Centre, which is really exciting!  

We can't wait to see how all the children grow and develop over this academic year. 

From the C and I Team! 

C and I Term 1 Overview


Please remember to bring in wellies and waterproof trouser and coat for your children - we will often go outside, even if it is a bit wet and muddy and we do visit forest school regularly so is needed for us all to attend. 

Please can all items be named!



Turn taking activities

The children have been practicing their turn taking and sharing skills with lots of new games!

Geography - Settlements

In geography, the children have been learning about the different settlements of the UK. They have been creating different settlements from farms and hamlets up to cities and mega cities to see how they change in size and scale. 


In maths we have been looking at measuring. Some children have been learning how to use a ruler to accurately measure different objects, whilst others have been using cubes to develop their initial understanding of length and measuring. 

This will also be needed as part of our DT topic later in the term, when the children will be measuring and cutting materials for their bridge building.
