
Year 5


Dear parents/carers,


The children have made a great start to year 5 and have really taken on board the high expectations and team values that myself and Mrs Partridge have. 


Please see the Powerpoint below that was shared with parents at the parent/teacher session on Monday 11th September. This contains all the relevant information for the start of the new academic year.


I look forward to meeting you all personally and working together this year. 

Kind regards,

Mr Scarisbrick







For the home learning grid above:

The children should complete the blue tasks daily.

They should then pick at least one task from each row to complete before the end of term. 

The children can complete all the tasks if they wish.

This has been explained and demonstrated to the children in class and they are enthusiastic to get going! I can't wait to see what they come up with! 

Mr Scarisbrick

Our PE days have changed to Monday and Friday (for term 3) so please make sure PE kits are in school. Due to cold weather, please ensure your child has a coat and warm clothing for PE lessons.



