
Admissions, Fees and Funding Information



We hope that you find the pages about the nursery and the main school helpful; however no amount of browsing can replace a visit to the nursery where I am confident you will agree that there is a real 'community' feel to our whole school. 


Please contact either Brenda Boulton or Samantha Frost in the school office who will be delighted to arrange a visit for you. Alternatively complete the admission forms below and return them to us.


Sessions Available and Fees 


Spaces available will be reviewed during each Term ready for the new term starting.

Funding Information

We accept:

  • Government 'new for 2' funding - provides 15 hours free childcare from the term after child's 2nd birthday
  • Government 'free for 3 & 4' funding - provides 15 or 30 hours free childcare from the term after their 3rd birthday
  • Employer childcare voucher scheme (Edenred, Kiddivouchers, Care4, Computershare & Sodexo)
  • Government tax-free childcare voucher scheme


15 and 30 Hours funding can be used term time during the hours of 8.45am and 3.15pm - for more details please contact the school office. Early drop off and extended day care are chargeable. Charges are currently being reviewed and will be confirmed soon.


Places Available include:

Universal Entitlement – 15 hours per week, term time only, from the term after the third birthday.

15 hour 2 year old entitlement for working parents

Eligible 2 year old funding for those families that qualify, this can be explored online or with your child's health visitor

Extended Entitlement – 30 hours per week, term time only.


Eligibility Criteria for Extended Entitlement (free 30hr places)


Eligibility for a 30hr place will be as follows:

  • 30 hour places are only available for children who are 3 or 4 years old
  • Both parents must be working – or the sole parent is working in a lone parent family
  • Each parent earns, on average, a weekly minimum equivalent to 16 hours at National

Minimum Wage or National Living Wage

  • Each parent must have an annual income of less than £100,000
  • One/both parent(s) is away on leave (parental, maternal etc.) or one/both parent(s) is on Statutory sick pay
  • Parents on zero-hours contracts will be eligible, as are those who are registered as self-employed
  • One parent is employed and the other parent has either: substantial caring responsibilities and/or disability; is a foster carer with their own three-and four-year-old children


To register eligibility for a 30hr Nursery Place parents must register on-line at


Only a valid eligibility code will guarantee the funding of the additional 15hrs under this entitlement and it is the parent(s)/carer(s) responsibility to provide this. The school will not hold a place for a child whose parent/carer is still ‘applying’ or ‘re-applying’ or has lost their eligibility code.


Grace period

A child who comes ineligible during the first half of a term should be funded until the end of

that term or for as long as they remain under Compulsory School Age, whichever is shorter.

A child who becomes ineligible during the second half of a term should be funded until the end of

the following term or for as long as they remain under Compulsory School Age, whichever is



When the grace period or code lapses the place will revert to a universal 15 hour place. If the

place is filled by the time the code is refreshed/renewed a further 30hr place can be refused. The

financial sustainability of the school is essential and therefore we reserve the right to fill any

vacant spaces.


Parents will be prompted every 3 months to reconfirm the details they entered are still correct.

They will be prompted by HMRC by email or text 4 weeks before, then again 2 weeks before.

Childcare Choices Information

Find out what help you can get with nursery costs by clicking on the link below
