

If you would like your child to attend our school, please see full details of our admission arrangements below.  


Starting a new school is a very important step. We aim to cater for every child and are always happy to hear parents’ views. 


If your child was born between 1st September 2019 and 31st August 2020 then they should start primary school in September 2024.


Applications for places in what is known as Reception are handled by Gloucestershire County Council, not by the school.

The council started accepting on-time applications for primary school Reception places on 1st November 2023.

On 15th January 2024 it will stop accepting on-time applications.

On 16th April 2023 parents and carers who applied for a place by 15th January 2024 will be given a school place.

If you are applying after 15th January, then this is known as a late application.

The council will only consider late applications after it has handed out places to on-time applicants on 16th April 2024.

If you need any help with an on-time or late application, then please contact the school office via email or in person.


You may appeal for a place at the school you want if you have not been offered a place directly with the Local Authority.


Our admissions policy can be found in the 'Policies & Documents', 'Policies' section of this website.




In Year School Admissions 

Parents moving into the area and wishing to send their child to this school are invited to contact the School Office for information and to arrange a visit. 


Prospective parents should complete an In Year Admission Form provided by Gloucestershire County Council as well as our own Admission Form for the school. We ask that these completed forms be returned back to our school office as soon as possible so we can confirm if a place is available for your child in their year group. Forms can be found at the bottom of the page and can be sent back to us by post or electronically.

Gloucestershire In Year Admissions Common Application Form
