
Pre School

Welcome to Pre-School

Welcome to Pre-school, we are all looking forward to working with you and your child to support them in their learning as well as providing fun and engaging activities.

The preschool room is lead by Becky Greenow as lead teacher and Nicola Lipscombe as room leader alongside Anna Roberts and Heather walker as support staff.

I hope you will find lots of useful information to help us work together to provide the best for your child.

We really appreciate and value all your support and knowledge, thank you for working with us.

Let us know what you have been up to

Morning songs

Days of the Week clap clap! to the tune of the Addams Family

Wake Up! School Assembly Song and Dance from Songs For EVERY Assembly by Out of the Ark Music

Wake the school up and get dancing with Out of the Ark's Wake Up! assembly song and dance routine from Songs For Every Assembly. Our Wake Up! song is bound t...

Funky Feet Music-Play Dough Disco. Hand eye coordination, crossing midlines, developing fine motor

Fine motor development | Playdough song | If you're happy and you know it

Preschool Activities and ideas